Sunday 23 September 2012


1.     Students will have to do one composition a week. Students will have to write a paragraph (divided into 3 sub paragraphs: Introduction, Body and Conclusion) of not less than 90 words or write 10 sentences. A sample composition will be given to the students.

2.     Students will do a written comprehension (use handouts or school book) a week.

3.     Students will do one (or two) grammar handout (grammar in use) every week.

4.     Students will use Way Ahead and Way Ahead Workbook as English books that mainly cover the four aspects of teaching: speaking, listening, reading and writing. We may also use the workbook during lesson, but many exercises are given as homework.

5.     Students will have a one listening comprehension in order to encourage oracy (spoken English and Maltese) every week.

6.     English grammar notes will be written down or students will have grammar handouts. These notes primarily consist of different topics such as nouns, adjectives, pronouns etc.

7.     A reading session of one hour will be held every week. I also encourage students to read one hour every day.

8.     A craft and an Art lesson will be held every Wednesday. Students will be notified to bring craft resources at school. Some resources will be provided by the teacher.

9.      Three lessons of Religion and three lessons of Social Studies are to be held every week. The duration of a lesson is one hour.

10.            One science lesson is held every week. Science handout notes with exercises will be given to the students. Science experiments will be practiced or held during the science lesson. Students will have the opportunity to work in groups during science experiments.

11.            Students will have two social studies workbooks. Social Studies is mainly divided into three main subjects: social, geography and history. Extra social studies notes will be provided to the students.

12.            Students will have four lessons of Physical Education every week. All students will have to participate during physical educational lessons. The lessons may include various physical games and also educational games.

13.            Students are highly encouraged to read Bible stories thus during religion lessons I might use Bible stories and also read stories from the Bible to the students. Three lessons of Religion are held every week. The students will use the book and the workbook. Other religious knowledge will be provided by the teacher in the form of notes.

14.             Five lessons of Maltese will be held every week. These lessons include: Maltese Language (Grammatika), Listening comprehension (Fehem mis-Smigh), Written comprehension (Tahrig il-Fehem), Maltese reading (Qari), Maltese composition (Komponiment).

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